The Lodge Officers Jewels

A description of each Lodge officers jewel and what it denotes

The Worshipful Master wears the jewel of a right angle of a square. In the building, the right angle of a square is used to ensure the angles of the building are true. For the Master, it represents the Master’s function in guarding the virtue of what goes on in the lodge and making certain it is “true.”

The jewel of the Senior Warden is the Level. The builder uses this instrument to ascertain that the surfaces are level. One of the functions of the Senior Warden in to make sure all members meet on the level for there is equality among Masons.

The Junior Warden’s jewel is the Plumb, which is used to check upright alignment. The Junior Warden has to make certain that the behavior within the lodge is upright. The behavior of a Mason should always be upright and on the level.

The Senior Deacon’s jewel has the Square and Compasses with the Sun in its center and the Junior Deacon’s jewel has the moon in its center. The sun in this jewel represents the fact that he is located near the Worshipful Master to assist him in delivering messages and other tasks. The Sun rises in the east as well as the Master. Therefore, the sun is represented.

The Junior Deacon is by the Senior Warden to assist him.The moon and the Senior  Warden rise in the West. Therefore, the moon is represented.

The jewel for the Senior and Junior Stewards is the cornucopia or the horn of plenty. The Stewards assist the Junior Warden in providing food for refreshment among other duties.

The jewel of the Secretary is the quill, as he is the record keeper of the lodge as well as general business manager.

The Treasurer’s jewel is the Key, being that he is in charge of the lodge’s funds.

The Chaplain’s Jewel is “The Book of Holy Scriptures.”

The jewel of the Tyler is the Sword, as it is his duty to “Observe the approach of all cowans and eavesdroppers and let none pass nor repass except those who are qualified and have permission of the Worshipful Master”.