Berkeley Lodge No. 37

Grand Lodge will convene in Special Communication on Saturday, January 18, 2025 at 12:00 noon in Berkeley Lodge No. 37, located at 303 North Mary St., Hedgesville, West Virginia, to lay the cornerstone for the new Hedgesville Learning Center.

Lunch will be served at 11:00 am in Berkeley Lodge No. 37. Grand Lodge will open at 12:00 noon and the cornerstone ceremony will take place at 1:00 pm.

It is requested the Grand Lodge Officers wear dark business suits. Any officer unable to be present, whether or not he has a speaking part, should notify M.W. David Ray Pyle, Grand Master at, C: 304-677-2575.

Past Grand Masters, Deputy Grand Lecturers, District Deputy Grand Masters and all interested Brethren are urged to attend.

Fraternally, James C. Hubbard, P.G.M., Secretary